Sunday, February 14, 2010

Design Your Own Heraldry

Want a nice color coat of arms or family crest print or t-shirt?

Tonbridge castle has a nice bit of programming on their site that allows you to make a very simple quartered coat of arms or family crest. They call it a crest maker.

You can color and add a charge or symbol to each of four quarters of a shield. Then you can add your name to the design.

You will need Macromedia Flash installed on your computer. You can download it right from the site.

When you are done, you can make a color print or a coat of arms t-shirt print. Too bad it cannot be saved as a graphic file.

Crest Maker

Make a Coat of Arms
Make a Family Crest

Make a Coat of Arms

I'm going to save you some time here.

A lot of people are looking for a way to make a coat of arms or make a family crest for themselves.

Good news.

I have been scrounging around for a while and I have located ten or more places on the internet where you can make a coat of arms for yourself for free. Some of them are not heraldically correct and some are just a few images on a shield. But all of them are free.

These make a coat of arms sites are pretty clever and make use some sophisticated programming.

See the following posts to pick the one you want to use.

Make a Coat of Arms
Make a Family Crest